I promise to work hard for you and never bore you. I earned a terrific living for four decades as a professional writer focused on outstanding stories, not on tricks, gimmicks, and games to collect inauthentic followers and content skimmers. My passion is inspiring burgeoning writers, like you, to believe you can work for yourself online and make money writing. I’ve written for some of the largest publications in the US, including the Chicago Tribune and the Tampa Tribune, Medium.com, a variety of print and digital magazines, and I taught writing at a college level.
When you read my Substack publication, Pen2Profit, you’ll learn how to monetize your writing and grow your audience organically. You’ll receive real, tried-and-true strategies that fueled my earnings for decades and enabled me to retire young. I’ll share real writer markets with you that pay writers like you real money. Everything you learn here has worked consistently for people who are passionate about the craft of writing, have the motivation to build a writing business, and want the freedom to work for themselves. You can do the same. Sign up to be sure you never miss a story—it may be exactly the one you need to power you up!
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Oh yeah, and access to me and my experience—and that could include a review of one of your stories.
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