Yet Another Valuable Free Perk for Pen2Profit Subscribers
Keep supporting my work and I'll keep adding value for you!
I’m betting your writing work and the time you spend with it mean a lot to you. Me, too.
Almost ten thousand dedicated writers follow Pen2Profit in various iterations. This fact keeps me smiling and motivates me to work more. I want to make it easier for you to grow as a writer and to painlessly increase the revenue component of your writing.
With that in mind, I bring you a private, exclusive Facebook group to enhance our feeling of community as we navigate the challenges of writing.
You are cordially invited to join Pen2Profit Facebook group. It will always be free for members of the Pen2Profit Substack community, though, at some point, there will be a membership fee for others.
How to power up your writing revenue (no lies, no scams, no hustles, just proven ways to maximize your income).
The group will explore
Proven ways to grow your audience and reach as a writer
Vetted opportunities — jobs, contests, and calls for submissions that pay writers, even beginning writers
Professional strategies and tips that realistically improve your writing and make it more reader-friendly
Grammar, language, and voice secrets
Snake previews of our members' best stories
Opportunities to connect, engage, and support each other.
This group will focus on writers helping writers and on you getting the most possible benefit from all the time you spend developing your work on Medium and Substack. There are lots of incidental perks. I may invite you to guest post on my Substack (you will earn followers and subscribers if I feature you). I might feature your best work in my Medium stories. I'll give you access to my eBook store so you can acquire even more superpowers.
Why Facebook—isn't Facebook so 2024?
Facebook is free.
Super easy to access the group function
Easy to bookmark the group and drop in as necessary
Members do not have to friend anyone or engage in anything outside the group if they choose not to.
You do not have to share your email address or personal info outside the group.
I have run several successful creator groups over a decade, so I understand how to bring you solutions to writing problems and a lovely sense of community.
Pen2Profit, the Facebook Group, is different from the run-of-the-mill groups you may have seen. You can be as visible as you want or lurk in the shadows. I promise you will find value. We're all in this together, and I want us to get over the challenges and enjoy the benefits of being writers on our own terms.
If you're serious about your writing, here are other ways to find help, resources, friends, and places to come in out of the cold:
Follow an outstanding Medium publication
Contact me mkpelland at gmail
My guest writers and I work hard to bring you top-quality writing help. I wouldn't object to you leaving us a small tip if you like what you find here.
Great idea, wrong platform. I have no account in Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, TikTok, Pininterest, or such. There are better options to build community and trust. If you want my assistance in that way, just ask. I'm here to help us both succeed.
I joined. Randy.