Very Quick Post Today with a Sparkling Idea for Members over 65 Years Old!
I'm brainstorming a Substack project, will you help me out?
I just discovered that there are some 35K Substackers who are older than 65 years, and that fact impressed me to the max. I, of course, value all who support Pen2Profit and my work, but since I am a boomer, I see our unique value.
I’m working on forming a Substack Community open only to creatives over 65. Maybe it will be a publication we all contribute to. Maybe it will be an email group. Maybe a social media group. I’m open to any and all suggestions. This idea came about when a whole bunch of my contemporaries asked me for some assistance in figuring out how to set up and exploit the benefits of Substack.
If you’d like to connect with peers and you meet the age requirement, please leave a comment on this Substack Note so I can keep organized and see who wants to play.
I’d be delighted to have ideas from all of you and find a couple of people who might want to help launch the idea.
You can also reach out by email mkpelland at gmail
Tell your golden age friends!
Charles, you look mahvelous! And your brain is positively ageless. We won't tell anyone what the chronology says.
My friend, 65 is in my reaer view!