Directory of Pen2Profit Articles
Easy access to everything we've published to advance your writing revenue

Every article published in the Pen2Profit newsletter is categorized in this directory. The topics are links; hover over each and click the url. My goal is to make your writing life easier!
Earn More—strategies and tools to help you make money writing.
Writing Strategies—Bookmark the ones that hit your weak spots. These are the specific tips born of a 50-year career in writing.
Marketing—none of us like the process; we all need the strategies. Find them here and make more money.
Guest Writers—stories from talented, readable writers who know a lot about the problems you want to solve.
Grammar/language—I love words and how they work for your craft. This might be the most fun category.
Publishing—how to, where to, when to.
All About Copyrights—how to obtain, use, and understand copyrights.
Online Writing— a very different craft than writing for print. Here’s a collection of specific pro secrets.
Writing Resources—Our newest category. Reviews, new products, resources for improving your process.
Off Topic Stories—from my file of other stuff I wrote. Get to know me and see if you can pick up some tricks.
WOW! It's like Christmas! Thank you so much.
Interesting even at 87 years old.